To Convert, or Not to Convert? | Discussing IRA to ROTH Conversions w/ David Schlossberg

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To convert, or NOT to convert – that is the question.

Putting the Shakespeare jokes aside – we are talking about the commonly debated Traditional IRA to ROTH IRA conversion. In the latest episode of The Rest Assured Podcast, David Schlossberg of Assured Concepts Group reviews five critical factors to consider.

A Roth IRA conversion is more than just a financial maneuver; it’s a strategic decision that could impact your retirement nest egg significantly. It involves transferring assets from a traditional IRA or employer plan into a Roth IRA, which allows your investments to grow tax-free over the long haul. Not just tax-free during accumulation like the Traditional IRA, but tax-free on the distributions as well.

Deciding on a conversion isn’t necessarily black and white. Just like with any financial decision, it’s wise to seek guidance from a knowledgeable advisor before taking the plunge, but today we will review some of the key things to consider.

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